Youth Sponsorship- Shannon Marley

Shannon Marley, 13, with her sponsorship check

Total Construction Services has awarded 5 youth with a $500 sponsorship in the activity of their choice, whether it be a sport or a camp. This is our way of giving back to the community that has given us so much since we opened in 1987.

Shannon Marley is 13 years old and going into the 8th grade at Glenwood Community Middle School. Shannon’s big interest is music. She is learning the piano, but is most interested in vocal performance. She is an alto in her middle school Honor Choir and was featured as a soloist in her school’s last choral concert. Shannon auditioned and was selected for a place in UNO’s Middle School Honor Choir with students from all over Nebraska and Southwest Iowa.

“This was a big achievement for her and a lot of time, effort, and practice went into getting her ready for it,” Shannon’s father John says.

Shannon would like to take voice lessons to further her talent, and this is what the sponsorship funds would go toward.

Total Construction’s Youth Sponsorship Program is just another way that we are giving back to the community and the people who are a part of it. We hope to continue this going forward.