After the latest bombardment of snow storms, many households throughout the Omaha area had to deal with ice damming. Those nasty icicles, and the inches of snow that create them, can seriously challenge your roofing installation. After the snow melts, it is important to inspect your Omaha roof for damage.
Often times, these storms shed light on poorly installed skylights. After the melt, check the skylights for signs of leaking. Improper insulation, bad installation, as well as other factors, play a role in leaking and should be addressed immediately.
It is also important to inspect your roofing for warping. Warping indicates that the wood underneath the shingles may be compromised, creating a serious issue. Peeling, or bubbling, shingles are another sign that your roofing need attention.
If you think your roof has some damage, call your insurance provider to have the roof inspected. Total Construction Services in Omaha can inspect your roof as well. Our HAAG certified inspectors are a trusted source for insurance agents. We can diagnosis damage and provide a course of action to help protect your home.
Call us today 402.572.7457. |