We all rely on our roofing system to keep our homes dry and direct rain and snow safely away. All of us wish our roofs can last forever, however we all must realize that all roofs degrade over time. With the often-intense weather we see in Omaha, weaknesses in your Omaha home’s roofing system may begin to show. After a heavy rain storm here are a few items to keep an eye on.
Are your shingles loosing ‘pebbles’?
The granules that adhere to asphalt shingles break down over time, eventually losing their sticking power, and can wash off in rain. Check near the end of your downspouts for little stone looking pieces. These little granules can often be seen in the sediment in your gutters. If you see more than a handful of granules, it may be time to have your roof inspected.
Speaking of gutters…
Just about all homeowners know they need to be better at cleaning their gutters. Your gutters should not be overflowing in a heavy rain. If they are, your gutters need to be inspected. Get up on a ladder and see if you have debris stuck, or if your gutters are pulling off the fascia. There should never be a gap between the edge of your roof and your gutters. Any gaps or overflow have the potential to damage your siding, or cause water to sit too close to your home.
Check your basement for signs of water!
When your gutters are working properly, you should never see signs of water in your basement. If the water is not being move away from your house, you should check to make sure your downspouts are attached properly. Water next to your foundation can cause a ton of problems, including the growth of mold.
Total Construction Services has HAAG certified inspectors in Omaha who are able come out and help diagnose any issues with your roofing. We also are mold remediation specialists, ready to treat and prevent mold problems in your home.
402.572.7457 | mytotalconstruction.com